Hank Spaulding

Theologian, Author, Pastor


American Academy of Religion

2021 Annual Meeting. San Antonio, TX. “Apocalyptic Justice: Restorative Justice and the Resurrection of the Dead.”

Society of Christian Ethics

2020 Annual Meeting, Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown Hotel Washington, DC “Scripture and Ethics without Codes”

  • Scripture and Ethics Working Group
    • “Sexual Ethics, Scripture, and Codes: An Engagement with Current Ethical Theory”
American Academy of Religion

2021 Annual Meeting. San Antonio, TX. “Apocalyptic Justice: Restorative Justice and the Resurrection of the Dead.”

Jon Stratton Conference on Nonviolence

5th Annual Conference, “The Future of Non-Violence,” Ashland University, Ashland Ohio. February 23rd, 2019. “The Future of Theory and Practice”

Princeton Theological Seminary’s Karl Barth Graduate Student Colloquium
  • Fellow 2019 Epistle to the Romans (8-16) August 14- 16, Princeton, NJ
    • Paper: “Dialectic and Hope: Romans 8 and Theodicy”
  • Fellow 2018 Epistle to the Romans (1-7) August 7-9 2018, Princeton, NJ
    • Paper: “Grace is the Power of (Dis)Obedience: Barth’s Ant-Fascist Epistemologies of Romans 6”
The Charles Wesley Society

1st Annual Meeting of the Charles Wesley Society. Wesley Theological Seminary, Washington D.C., March 15-16, 2019. “A Loophole of Retreat: Charles Wesley’s Political Hymnody”

Society for the Study of Psychology and Wesleyan Theology

2021 Annual Meeting. San Antonio, TX. “Apocalyptic Justice: Restorative Justice and the Resurrection of the Dead.”

Wesleyan Philosophical Society

10th Annual Meeting of the Wesleyan Philosophical Society at Trevecca Nazarene University Nashville, TN, March 2-3, 2012. “Unenthusiastic Sanctified Experience: The Implications of Rudolph Otto for the Religious Experience of Sanctification and Action.”

Wesleyan Theological Society
  • 54th Annual Meeting of the Wesleyan Theological Society “Eschatology” at Wesley Theological Seminary, Washington D.C., March 15-16, 2019. “Apocalyptic Wesley: A Dogmatic Sketch”
  • 50th Annual Meeting of the Wesleyan Theological Society “Holiness: Past, Present, Future” at Mount Vernon Nazarene University, Mt. Vernon, OH, March 6- 7, 2015. “Holiness and Global Bodies: Wesleyan Holiness Theology in a Global Context.”
  • 49th Annual Meeting of the Wesleyan Theological Society “Atonement” at Northwest Nazarene University, Nampa ID. March 7-8, 2014. “‘Holiness Unto Who?’ Womanist Theology, John Wesley, and the Future of Article VI in the Church of the Nazarene.”
  • 47th Annual Meeting of the Wesleyan Theological Society “On Faith(s): The Wesleyan Tradition and the World’s Religions at Trevecca Nazarene University, Nashville, TN, March 2-3, 2012“The Face of the Other: How the Category of Christian Religion Informs the Postmodern Imagination.”
  • 46th Annual Meeting of the Wesleyan Theological Society—“Empire, Church, Missio Dei” at Southern Methodist University/Perkins School of Theology, Dallas, TX. March 3‐5, 2011 “Tears Brought to Confession: Empire, Evil, Eschaton, and the Location of Forgiveness as a Political/Apocalyptic Act.”

Special Lectures

Mount Vernon Nazarene University
  • Ethics Lecture to Chiropractic Association of Ohio “Virtue Ethics and Medical Practice” Quest Conference Center, Columbus, OH October 3, 2020
  • Artificial Intelligence and the Future of the Human Lecture Series Title: “AI and the Good Life”
  • Mount Vernon Nazarene University. Mount Vernon, OH November 5th, 2018.
  • 500th Anniversary of the Protestant Reformation Lecture Title: “Luther and Hitler: The Promise and Peril of Theological Speech” Mount Vernon Nazarene University. Mount Vernon, OH October 31st, 2017.

Keynote Addresses

John A. Knight Bible and Theology Conference

“On this Rock I Will Build My Church.” John A. Knight Bible and Theology Conference Mount Vernon Nazarene University. Mount Vernon, OH, April 3-5, 2014. Title “Ecclesiology and Economic Imagination.” With Henry W. Spaulding II (Father)

Research Areas

  • Ethics of War/Peacemaking
  • Liberation Theology
  • Womanist Theology
  • Scripture and Ethics
  • Philosophical Theology
  • Christian Sexual Ethics
  • Dogmatic Theology
  • Christian Ethics
  • Virtue Ethics
  • Political Theology
  • Bioethics
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